Monday, April 28, 2008

{A Night Out!}

So on Saturday night, I went on a much needed night out with Crystal! We had so much fun. We went to The Bank, the new club at the Bellagio and danced until the wee hours of the morning. I have not done that in like 7 years and it was so much fun!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rock it JT!!!

This video is off the hook! First of all Justin Timberlake can dance like no one I have ever seen and Madonna.....I mean who's body looks like that when they are almost 50! You might have to pause my radio at the bottom so you don't hear two songs at once!

Check out this video: Madonna - 4 Minutes

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Best Pink Hair in Town!

I just wanted to show everyone my hair!! I decided I needed something fun and this is what I ended up doing! Thanks Bri, I really love it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NKOTB Baby!!

Are you kidding me! New Kids On the Block are BACK TOGETHER!!!! Anyone that knew me in the 3rd grade {Erika and Donna} knows that since I was 8, I have been completely obsessed with them. Joey is totally my number #1 and Jordan is my #2. Well when I heard that they might get back together I just about died and for the last few months I have been waiting in anticipation for some news and nothing.....until 2 weeks ago when I turn on the TODAY show and what do I see!?!?!?! NKOTB announcing there return. Let me just tell you. I feel as though my life has come full circle. In honor of them watch for a future post because I have something so funny in store! Oh and by the way LISA you can keep laughing at me but you'll be sitting front row with me at their concert!

Timmy's First T-Ball Game!

Hi! Okay so I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. I am WAY behind. Timmy had his first t-ball game a couple of weeks ago. He was SO cute. I cannot believe how big he is. It amazes me everyday So here are some hilights. Ashton was so cute at the game, he was standing behind the backstop cheering Timmy on and all of a sudden he goes, "Come on Timmy! I know you can beat those little purple guys!!". It was so Funny.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Where did all the sweets go?

Okay. So I am absolutely dying right now. Lacey put me on what we like to call a "food regimen". Basically limited sugar. I eat no sweets and NO SODA!! The great part is that it is completely working and I am sure I will be in a bathing suit by my birthday. The awful part is that I am dying for something totally awful for me, so instead of eating the entire box of donuts currently sitting in my pantry, I decided to write about all of my favorites!! Just bear with me, I am living vicariously through this post.

Krispy Kreme Rasberry Filled Donuts or Chocolate Iced...

Lemon Cream Cheese Pie from Marie Calendars...

and last but my FAVORITE the Chocolate Cake from Costco...


These are my newest purchases! Aren't they so cute?!?!

Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?

Okay so this story definatley deserves some blog time but since it is so much funnier when Lisa tells it, I am going to steal the story from her blog......

Courtney is a 26 year old mother of three boys. She could not hurt a fly. In fact, the other day at her house I told her there was a spider in her doorway and she couldn't even look at it. She will not go see scary movies, won't go to a haunted house to save her life, and does not, under any circumstances, like the dark. So this is what we did to her.................................

Josh dressed head to toe in black, gun in hand (BB gun), went over to Courtney's house at 9:00 last night and rang the doorbell while I was on the phone with her. I couldn't go to witness the terror because I had to be on the phone so she would think we were both at home. I definitely got the better end of the prank! Hearing her voice as she told me to call 911 was priceless! She told me after it was all over that she was hiding in the downstairs bathroom with one hand on the garage door ready to make a break for it. She was going to hide under her car because if she opened the garage door the intruder would hear it. I couldn't let her go any longer thinking it was real. I had to tell her before she called 911 herself! After I told her, she swung the door open and began hitting Josh repeatedly. She didn't sleep all night and told me my time is coming.

You tell me what you would do if you saw this at your front door!!!!

Uncle Brandon!

We are going to Mesquite tomorrow for my little brothers baseball tournament! I am so excited to see everyone and so are the boys. They are especially excited to see their uncles and keep talking about their milkshakes! Everytime Brandon comes and sees the boys he brings them a milkshake and it is one of their favorite things!

I Miss Everyone!

I have really been missing my family lately, so I thought that I would post some pictures of our last trip to California! I am so excited to go down on my birthday weekend!


Uncle Mark, Alex and Paige

Timmy and Uncle Johnny

Me and Uncle Mark

Timmy and Ashton

Dad and Ashton
Grandma Mina and Ash
Grandma Roma
Huntington Beach

Dad and Gigi
Cameron and the boys

So Cute!

I ran across these pictures of Ashton and had to put them up! He is the funniest little ked that you have ever met and he loves to wear costumes when we go on errands. So don't be surprised if you see a little boy in a monkey suit picking up his brother from school or a little batman at the grocery store. It is probably us!

We are Back!

It took awhile to get us back on because I could not think of a new blog name! With all of the changes in my life I just thought that it was fitting to start fresh on my blog too!